Well, I'm pretty proud of myself over here - I taught myself how to customize 2 new carts this week. How's that for expanding horizons? :)
I really love it when we take time to figure out how something works - and help someone out - and such was the case in all three of these instances.
While I already had some experience with Core Commerce - (One website - Camo Supply - online boutique carrying hunting, fishing gear and more) and have an opportunity to work on another one right now. This one's cool - it's CANADIAN - and you know how I love those Canadians -( the guys at Attribune )- they helped me with that horrible virus last year. And - this new Core Commerce site sells a really cool product.

I will be adding these services to my schedule of services - likely at the same price as Volusion customization. I haven't completely decided yet, because the features and flexibility of each are so different - it might take doing a few before I really know how much time it will take.